
  • Hand-grilled pie crust One ​​piece
  • Egg One
  • Harbin sausage A short section
  • Little tomatoes Four
  • Finger carrots Four
  • Cooked shrimp Three
  • Cilantro A little


Different breakfast hand cakes

1. First we prepare all the ingredients

Different breakfast hand cakes

2. Wash the small tomatoes and cut them in half

Different breakfast hand cakes

3. Pick, wash and chop the coriander

Different breakfast hand cakes

4. Wash the finger carrots and cut them into slices

Different breakfast hand cakes

5. Cut Harbin sausage into cubes

Different breakfast hand cakes

6. Set aside one cooked shrimp and cut the others into cubes

Different breakfast hand cakes

7. No need to add cooking oil to the pan, just put the hand cakes directly

Different breakfast hand cakes

8. Fry over low heat until golden on one side

Different breakfast hand cakes

9. Turn the hand cake over, add the sausage, cooked shrimp, cherry tomatoes, finger carrots, and pile them in the middle (I seem to have too many ingredients, almost I couldn’t let it go