Pomfret recipes

  • Fried Pomfret

    Fried Pomfret

    1 pomfret, half a lemon, 3g corn starch, soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of fried pomfret. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. When I buy pomfret, I ask the seller to process the internal organs directly. If you buy unprocessed pomf

  • Steamed pomfret

    Steamed pomfret

    2 small pomfrets 1 piece of ginger 1 piece of millet pepper 2 chopped green onions 2 tablespoons of Vistami premium cooking wine 2 tablespoons of Vistami premium oyster sauce 1 scoop of steamed small pomfret Recipe 1 small Thaw the pomfret, clean off the
