Zhenjiang vinegar recipes

  • Huadiao Steamed Drunken Crab

    Huadiao Steamed Drunken Crab

    Step 1: Clean the fresh hairy crabs with Huadiao wine, Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar, ginger and peppercorns. Step 2: Tie the washed hairy crabs with straw rope. Step 3: Put ginger slices in a basin and pour in Huadiao wine.

  • Salted fish and eggplant stew

    Salted fish and eggplant stew

    2 eggplants, plum-flavored horsetail, 40g minced meat, 50g shiitake mushrooms, 1 garlic seed, 5 cloves of ginger, 1 slice of green onion, 3 cooking wine, 5ml light soy sauce, 10ml fish sauce, 5ml Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar, 5ml white pepper, appropriate a
