Green coconut recipes

  • Coconut Chicken Soup

    Coconut Chicken Soup

    2 green coconuts, half chicken, red dates, 8 wolfberries, 15 grams of cooking wine, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of salt, an appropriate amount of green tangerines, 3 garlic, an appropriate amount of mushrooms, 6 corns, 1 millet, spicy 4 vineg

  • Coconut Chicken

    Coconut Chicken

    Coconut chicken: 1 green coconut, half a three-yellow chicken, peeled water chestnuts (water chestnuts), 4 wolfberries, appropriate amount of red dates, 4 red dates, 200g water, 200g sauce: 1 small lime, 1 garlic clove, light soy sauce, 3g warm water, 60g
