organic cauliflower recipes

  • Dry pot pork ribs and shrimp

    Dry pot pork ribs and shrimp

    750 grams of pork ribs, 15 shrimps, 1 lotus root, 1 onion, half a enoki mushroom, 1 handful of organic cauliflower, 1 green onion, 1 coriander, 1 garlic, 2 pieces of ginger, 1 hotpot base, 90 grams of rapeseed oil, 2 tablespoons of Pixian bean paste, 1 te

  • Fried cauliflower

    Fried cauliflower

    One head of broccoli, half a head of garlic, 2 cloves of carrot, a little salt, a little stir-fried cauliflower. Step 1: Wash and cut organic cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots, put them in a pot, add water and blanch for 2-3 minutes, remove and set aside
