cereal recipes

  • Chiffon breakfast

    Chiffon breakfast

    Make the chiffon cake one night in advance. Make milk, oatmeal, strawberries, and eggs. How to make a chiffon breakfast. Steps 1: Add salt and water to stir-fry eggs. Cooking techniques for chiffon breakfast. There are techniques for making delicious dish

  • English breakfast

    English breakfast

    Purple potato slices, 3 slices of tomatoes and canned soybeans, an appropriate amount of cucumber, 1 corn sausage, 1 egg, 2 milk, 250 grams of cereal, an appropriate amount of fruit, an appropriate amount of English breakfast. Steps 1: Get up, go into the

  • Yogurt tart

    Yogurt tart

    7 egg tarts, appropriate amount of yogurt, 20 freeze-dried strawberries, 2 cherries, 2 cherries, 2 bananas, 5 grams of oatmeal, 5 grams of yogurt. How to make egg tarts. Step 1: Prepare 7 egg tart shells. Step 2: Place in the oven and bake at 180 degrees

  • Lily millet porridge

    Lily millet porridge

    1. Millet, lily 2. Oatmeal, red dates
