figs recipes

  • Morel Mushroom and Yam Lean Meat Soup

    Morel Mushroom and Yam Lean Meat Soup

    4~6 morels, 1 yam, 1 piece of lean meat (pork bone), 3 figs, a small handful of lotus seeds, 4~5 slices of ginger, an appropriate amount of red dates, 1~ wolfberry, a small handful of morels, yam and lean meat soup, step 1 Prepare the ingredients, here I

  • Shrimp and Veggie Salad with Brie Cheese

    Shrimp and Veggie Salad with Brie Cheese

    Appropriate amount of brie cheese, 10 shrimps, vegetable salad. Appropriate amount of figs, 1 brie cheese. Shrimp and vegetable salad. Step 1 Fry the shrimp until they change color, sprinkle with black pepper and set aside. Step 2: Brie cheese is tough on

  • Apple ribs soup

    Apple ribs soup

    250 grams of pork ribs, 2 apples, 3 slices of ginger, 1 tablespoon of figs, a few almonds, a few wolfberries, 1 small handful of apples. How to make pork ribs soup. Step 1. Wash the ingredients. Step 2. Blanch the ribs. Step 3. Rinse and set aside. Step 4

  • Silky and Passionate Chocolate Cake

    Silky and Passionate Chocolate Cake

    #Cake base. 70.5% black chocolate 25g cocoa powder 15g corn oil 40g salt 1g milk 70g cake flour 50g eggs 4 pieces white vinegar 2g fine sugar 50g #Sandwich. 300g light cream 25g powdered sugar 70.5 %Heiqiao 100g #glazed noodles. Milk 180g fine sugar 1

  • Sea Coconut Almond Pork Ribs Soup

    Sea Coconut Almond Pork Ribs Soup

    1 spare ribs, 5 grams of sea coconut, 5 grams of southern apricots, 5 grams of northern apricots, 5 grams of figs, 5 sea coconuts, and almond ribs soup. Step 1: Wash the ribs and other ingredients together and set aside. Step 2: Put an appropriate amount

  • Variety of fruits - Yali fig beauty syrup

    Variety of fruits - Yali fig beauty syrup

    1. Wash and prepare all ingredients. 2. Peel the pear and cut into small pieces
