mashed potatoes recipes

  • Mini Brie Chicken Conch Wrap Sandwiches

    Mini Brie Chicken Conch Wrap Sandwiches

    2 small pieces of brie cheese mini conch roll bread 1 small tomato 2 mashed potatoes Appropriate amount of chicken breast Appropriate amount of mini brie cheese chicken conch roll sandwich How to make the mini conch roll sandwich Step 1 First cut the home

  • Spring Fat-Reduced Sandwiches

    Spring Fat-Reduced Sandwiches

    Two slices of whole wheat bread, one piece of chicken breast, one piece of egg, one piece of lettuce, appropriate amount of cucumber, half a mashed potato (optional), marinated chicken breast seasoning: 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of coo

  • Mashed Potatoes, Ham and Cheese Bread

    Mashed Potatoes, Ham and Cheese Bread

    1 Shunran chef machine 1 Shunran oven High-gluten flour 250g salt 2g caster sugar 30g milk powder 10g yeast 2.5g whole egg liquid 25g milk 160g butter 30g mashed potatoes 150g diced ham 80g grated cheese 90g salt 1.5g mashed potatoes ham cheese bread How
