red peanuts recipes

  • Cold dry silk

    Cold dry silk

    300 grams of dried shredded garlic, half a red-skinned peanut, a handful of shredded ginger, soy sauce, three spoons of vinegar, two spoons of salt, an appropriate amount of sesame oil, a spoonful of millet, spicy five cold shredded dried shredded vegetab

  • Removing dampness and replenishing qi porridge

    Removing dampness and replenishing qi porridge

    A handful of red beans, a small handful of barley, a small handful of millet, a small handful of red peanuts, a small handful of glutinous rice, a large handful of glutinous rice. Step 1: Wash the rice and soak it for an hour. Step 2: Add a lot of water,

  • Five red porridge

    Five red porridge

    Appropriate amount of red beans, appropriate amount of red peanuts, appropriate amount of wolfberry, 20 red dates, 5 brown sugar, one piece of five red porridge. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients, red beans, red peanuts, wolfberry, red dates, brown sugar. S
