white peppercorns recipes

  • Spring corn and pork belly soup [3-4 people]

    Spring corn and pork belly soup [3-4 people]

    White peppercorns 10g corn [chopped] 400g pork belly 500g ginger slices 4 spring corn pork belly clear soup [3-4 people] Recipe Step 1 Wash the pork belly with cornstarch and salt repeatedly, fry it, and then Cut into thin slices, add 1500ml of water to t

  • All-purpose soup base

    All-purpose soup base

    Fresh crucian carp, 2 slices of old ginger, 4 slices of white pepper, 15 grains of all-purpose soup base. Step 1. Clean the fresh crucian carp, especially the black membrane in the belly. Cut off the fins and tail of the fish for easy follow-up. Step 2 Ad
