crab roe recipes

  • Eel and crab roe fried rice

    Eel and crab roe fried rice

    300g rice, 250g crab roe, 50g scallops, 20g green pepper, 50g red pepper, 50g carrot, 50g garlic moss, 50g onion, 50g egg, 2 minced ginger, 3g oyster sauce, 3 teaspoons light soy sauce, 2 teaspoons butter, 10g olive oil, 3 tablespoons green onions, 4 eels

  • Nigiri sushi

    Nigiri sushi

    How to make rice, sushi vinegar, octopus, crab roe, and seaweed nigiri sushi. Step 1. Mix the rice and sushi vinegar - it depends on your personal taste. Step 2. Dip your hands in water, add some rice, and gently hold it into a shape. Step 3. Then cut the

  • reverse roll sushi

    reverse roll sushi

    One piece of seaweed, appropriate amount of rice, 6 crab roe, appropriate amount of crab sticks, two halves of crab sticks. Step 1: One piece of seaweed, cut apple strips and crab sticks. Step 2: You can add crab roe or other personal items according to y
