Chinese toon sprouts recipes

  • Cold toon and pine nut tofu

    Cold toon and pine nut tofu

    50 grams of toon sprouts, a box of lactone tofu, 15 grams of sugar, 15 grams of salt, 1 gram of pine nuts, 15 grams of salt (optional), optional white sesame seeds, 15 grams of sesame oil (optional), how to make cold toon and pine nut tofu. Step 1: Prepar

  • Scrambled Eggs with Fresh Bedding and Chinese Toon

    Scrambled Eggs with Fresh Bedding and Chinese Toon

    200g of toon sprouts, 4 eggs, a small spoon and a half of peanut oil, 3 spoons of diced scallops, about 100g of spicy millet, a stick of toon, fresh scallops, scrambled eggs. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients - diced scallops, beat the eggs, and a small han
