small sausages recipes

  • pizza rolls

    pizza rolls

    Toast slices, 2 slices of small sausages, 4 small tomatoes, 2 small tomatoes, an appropriate amount of tomato sauce, an appropriate amount of salad dressing, an appropriate amount of corn kernels, an appropriate amount of pizza rolls. Step 1: Prepare the

  • Korean BBQ

    Korean BBQ

    500g pork belly sausages, 15 corn sausages, 3 ham sausages, 4 egg sausages, 1 sausage enema, 1 chicken skewers, 1 box of Korean hot sauce, 2 tablespoons of Korean dipping powder, 8 chicken wings, 500g pork belly, lettuce, garlic cloves, 3 millet cloves 2

  • Lazy hotpot

    Lazy hotpot

    1 big bone, an appropriate amount of hot pot meatballs, an appropriate amount of shiitake mushrooms, 4 enoki mushrooms, 1 package of thousand-sheet tofu, an appropriate amount of green vegetables, an appropriate amount of crab sticks, 4 small sausages, 4

  • Lazy Tomato Hotpot

    Lazy Tomato Hotpot

    Appropriate amount of tomato balls, appropriate amount of shiitake mushrooms, 4 white jade mushrooms, 1 package of fungus, appropriate amount of baby cabbage, appropriate amount of tofu skin, 1 piece of fish tofu, appropriate amount of kelp knots, appropr
