Pixian bean paste recipes

  • Fried jelly

    Fried jelly

    500g sweet potato jelly, 2 teaspoons Pixian bean paste, 2 teaspoons garlic, some green garlic sprouts, 2 green onions, a little salt, a little chicken essence, a little soy sauce, half a teaspoon pepper, a little fried jelly. Step 1: Slice or dice the jel

  • Cangzhou Spicy Hot Pot Chicken

    Cangzhou Spicy Hot Pot Chicken

    1500 grams of chicken thighs and wings, a bag of Pixian bean paste, an appropriate amount of peppercorns, an appropriate amount of white sugar, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of ginger slices, five or six slices of dried chili, a few
