dried small shrimps recipes

  • steamed buns

    steamed buns

    200g wonton skin, 1 carrot, 1 dried shepherd's purse/fresh shepherd's purse, 100g northern tofu, 1 piece of egg, 2 shrimp skins, 2g shrimps, 8 minced ginger, 1 tsp minced garlic, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp sugar, 1 tsp white pepper, 1 tsp oyster sauce 1 1 tables

  • Mushroom hot pot soup base

    Mushroom hot pot soup base

    1 chicken rack 2 spoons of cooking wine 3 slices of ginger 3 slices of red dates Some wolfberries Appropriate amount of longan Wash the enoki mushrooms and white jade mushrooms, drain the water and set aside. Step 2: Put the chicken rack into a pot with c
