Long glutinous rice recipes

  • Steamed rice dumplings

    Steamed rice dumplings

    Recipe for making steamed rice dumplings with leaves, long glutinous rice, pork belly, peeled mung beans, salt, oil, five-spice powder, sesame water, 1. Wash the peeled mung beans and long glutinous rice several times and drain them. Add a little salt and

  • Four colors and four fillings rice dumplings

    Four colors and four fillings rice dumplings

    3 kilograms of long glutinous rice, 1 kilogram of corn, 2 corns, red beans, half a kilogram of mung beans, half a kilogram of candied dates, 1 kilogram of rice dumpling leaves, 2 packs (online purchase) How to make four-color, four-stuffed rice dumplings.
