small tomatoes recipes

  • Tomato and tofu noodles

    Tomato and tofu noodles

    1 small tomato, a handful of small noodles, an appropriate amount of water, a small piece of tofu, a small piece of tomato, tofu and small noodles. Step 1: Ingredients preparation: I am from the north. The tofu at home is northern old tofu. You can also u

  • Plum tomatoes

    Plum tomatoes

    500g cherry tomatoes, 7-8 plums, 20 grams of rock sugar, 500ml water, 1/4/2 small limes, Baileys 5g plum tomatoes, how to make small tomatoes: 1. Choose small tomatoes of even size. Repeat cleaning and processing and make a cross in the middle of step 2.
