Babe Pumpkin recipes

  • Pumpkin Bacon Rolls

    Pumpkin Bacon Rolls

    Beibei pumpkin and half bacon 3 strips of lemon and half olive oil 10g honey 5g cumin powder 1g pepper 1g pumpkin bacon roll Recipe Step 1 Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the pumpkin sac and seeds Step 2 Take half Pumpkin, dry with paper towels. Step 3. C

  • Steamed pumpkin

    Steamed pumpkin

    How to make a steamed pumpkin with Beibei Pumpkin: 1. Wash the Beibei Pumpkin and steam it in a pot over high heat for 15 minutes. Super simple step 2. Sweet and pink, simple and quick breakfast. Step 3. Even the skin is super delicious. Cooking technique
