dried figs recipes

  • Kumquat almond drink

    Kumquat almond drink

    25 grams of dried kumquats, 4 grams of dried figs, 20 grams of sea coconut, 3 grams of kumquat almond drink. Step 1: Prepare various materials. Step 2: Pour the kumquats into the Supor double-walled anti-scalding health pot. Step 3: Pour the dried figs in

  • Spleen-invigorating and damp-removing soup

    Spleen-invigorating and damp-removing soup

    500g ginger on the side of the ribs, a small piece of water, 1500ml of red lotus seeds, an appropriate amount of poria, a small amount of dried figs, 12 fresh yam, a large root of Atractylodes, a small piece of corn, a spleen-strengthening and dampness-re
