dried fruit recipes

  • Banana Baked Oats

    Banana Baked Oats

    1 banana, 130g oatmeal, 25g milk, 1 egg, 1 dried fruit, appropriate amount of banana baked oatmeal. Step 1: Peel the banana and put half of it into a container that can be baked. Step 2: Mash the banana with a spoon. Step 3: Spread a thick layer of oatmea

  • Assorted rice with rice pudding

    Assorted rice with rice pudding

    1000g of glutinous rice, 200g of dried fruits, 200g of red and green cherries, some lard, 50g of red bean paste, 200g of white sugar, 100g of assorted eight-treasure rice. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Soak the glutinous rice for 2 hours. Press the coo
