Salted eggs recipes

  • Salted Egg Tofu Pot

    Salted Egg Tofu Pot

    2 salted eggs, 6 shrimps, 1 piece of tofu, 1 piece of mushroom, 4-6 small carrots, half a stick, a little shredded ginger, an appropriate amount of chopped green onion, an appropriate amount of minced coriander, an appropriate amount of pepper, an appropr

  • Sea cucumber and salted egg porridge powder is very suitable for breakfast.

    Sea cucumber and salted egg porridge powder is very suitable for breakfast.

    Ready-to-eat sea cucumbers 2 salted eggs 1 leftover rice 1 small bowl of shiitake mushrooms, half a small green cabbage, 2 garlic sprouts, 1 chopped vermicelli, 1 small bowl of green onions, small roots of ginger, 4 slices of pepper, 1 spoon of light soy
