fresh scallops recipes

  • Nutritious noodles

    Nutritious noodles

    Two noodles, 100g of pork, 100g of fresh shrimp, 10 beef balls, 2 green vegetables, 4 fresh scallops, 3 nutritious noodles. Step 11. First tear the noodles into small pieces and soak them in water.
    2. Cut the pork, beef balls and vegetables into small pie

  • Cheese and seafood baked rice

    Cheese and seafood baked rice

    Rice for three persons 100g shrimps 100g corn kernels 100g green beans 100g pine nuts 20g green pepper 1 chopped green onion Appropriate amount of butter 10g + 30g cooking wine 1 tablespoon ginger powder 1/2 teaspoon salt appropriate amount of umami soy s
