Konjac shreds recipes

  • Cold konjac shreds

    Cold konjac shreds

    Shredded konjac. Appropriate amount of cucumber, 1 autumn fungus, 1 small handful of small red pepper, 2-3 cilantro, 1 small handful of minced garlic, 3 cloves of chopped peanuts, appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil and sugar.

  • Cold Broccoli

    Cold Broccoli

    100g shredded konjac broccoli 1 millet pepper 1 garlic 3 cloves chili powder 1 spoon coriander 2 sticks salt half a teaspoon light soy sauce 1 spoon oyster sauce 1 spoon sugar 1 spoon mature vinegar 1 and a half spoons pepper oil 1 teaspoon cold broccoli

  • Low-fat and low-calorie spicy and sour shrimp konjac salad

    Low-fat and low-calorie spicy and sour shrimp konjac salad

    2 fruit cucumbers, 200 grams of konjac shreds, 8 boiled eggs, 2 Tabasco original chili juice, 5 drops for a very fresh taste, 1 spoon of red wine vinegar, 1 spoon of olive oil, 0.5 spoon of sea salt, 1 small spoon of freshly ground black pepper, a little
