ramen recipes

  • Ramen hot pot

    Ramen hot pot

    Strip rice cakes, a few sticks of Korean chili sauce, 2 spoons of ramen, a handful of crab mushrooms, a tree of tofu, half a piece of zucchini, half a crab stick, a few cheese fish balls, 5 beef slices cut by yourself, some oil, a little seaweed (optional

  • Beef Ball Noodle Soup

    Beef Ball Noodle Soup

    6 beef balls for ramen, 1 serving for 1 person, 1 egg, 3 corianders, 3 beef ball noodle soup recipes. Step 1: Boil the soup. Add the meatballs. Cook the meatballs for three minutes and then add the ramen. Step 2: While the noodles are cooking, wash the co
