choy sum recipes

  • Arugula Hearts

    Arugula Hearts

    Appropriate amount of white sesame seeds and 500g of cabbage sum. Step 1: Ingredients: Prepare 20 grams of white sesame seeds, 500 grams of cabbage sum, and appropriate amount of green onions. Step 2: Heat oil and sauté white sesame seeds until fragrant.

  • Salted Fish Claypot Rice

    Salted Fish Claypot Rice

    40 grams of cooked salted fish pellets, 270 grams of oil, 20 ml of light soy sauce, 15 ml of cabbage, 20 grams of water, 480 ml of salted fish claypot rice. Step 1: Wash the rice and soak it for 20 minutes; Step 2: Wash the cabbage and cut it into section
