mugwort leaves recipes

  • mugwort leaf juice

    mugwort leaf juice

    How to make a small amount of moxa leaves with a small amount of moxa leaf juice. Step 1: Prepare the moxa leaves. Step 2: Pick and remove impurities, old leaves and hard stems. Step 3: Soak in salt water to remove sediment and sterilize. Step 4: Boil in

  • Amy fruit

    Amy fruit

    A pound of mugwort leaves, 500g of glutinous rice flour, 500g of rice flour, a spoonful of edible alkali, an appropriate amount of brown sugar. Step 1: Picking mugwort leaves, it was still raining lightly, and I was crazy to want to eat amyme fruit. Hahah

  • Ai Ye Qing Tuan

    Ai Ye Qing Tuan

    2 pounds of mugwort leaves (can be used three times after making) 200 grams of glutinous rice flour 60 grams of baking soda 7 grams of pork floss 250 grams of salted egg yolks 20 pieces of salad dressing 60 grams of sugar 20 grams of lard 20 grams of mugw
