hydrangeas recipes

  • Kelp Knot Hydrangea Oil Tofu Miso Soup

    Kelp Knot Hydrangea Oil Tofu Miso Soup

    150 grams of kelp knots, oily tofu, 100 grams of hydrangea mushrooms, 150 grams of green onions, 2 wolfberry berries, a little miso, 2 spoons of kelp knots, hydrangea oil, tofu and miso soup. Step 1: Wash the hydrangeas and tear them into small pieces. St

  • Shredded Chicken Mixed with Hydrangea Mushrooms

    Shredded Chicken Mixed with Hydrangea Mushrooms

    Chicken breast, one small carrot, half a purple cabbage, 3 pieces of flaxseed oil, 10 grams of hydrangea mushrooms, half a shredded chicken, mixed with hydrangea mushrooms. Step 1 Fresh hydrangea mushrooms with crisp bones look like this. Step 2: 1. Put t
