White sesame seeds recipes

  • Arugula Hearts

    Arugula Hearts

    Appropriate amount of white sesame seeds and 500g of cabbage sum. Step 1: Ingredients: Prepare 20 grams of white sesame seeds, 500 grams of cabbage sum, and appropriate amount of green onions. Step 2: Heat oil and sauté white sesame seeds until fragrant.

  • Lotus root noodles with sesame sauce

    Lotus root noodles with sesame sauce

    Appropriate amount of dried lotus root, small cucumbers, two white sesame seeds, one spoonful of garlic, 4 cloves of garlic, two spoons of Erbajiang sauce, which is very fresh, one spoonful of vinegar, two spoons of sugar, half a spoonful of MSG, half a s

  • cold noodle

    cold noodle

    A bag of instant cold noodles, a bag of white sesame seeds, half a spoon of chili noodles, half a spoon of Xihong City, half a cucumber, half an egg, one braised beef, four slices of spicy cabbage, an appropriate amount of sugar, a spoon of ice mineral wa
