jasmine recipes

  • Beauty and Beauty Summer Scented Tea Drinks

    Beauty and Beauty Summer Scented Tea Drinks

    5 roses, 1 forget-me-not, 2 peach blossoms, 2 jasmine flowers, 10 thousand day red flowers, 2 red sweet plums, 2 dried hawthorns, 2 pieces of rock sugar, 5-10 pieces of beauty and nourishing summer flower tea drinks. Step 1. Put all the materials. Put it

  • health tea

    health tea

    6 grams of chrysanthemum, 3 grams of honeysuckle, 2 grams of osmanthus, 1 gram of fried cassia seeds, 6 grams of wolfberry, 20 pieces of burdock root, 4 grams of Daidai flowers, 8 grams of roses, 10 dandelion roots, 4 grams of bergamot, 3 grams of licoric
