purple onion recipes

  • green salad

    green salad

    2 tomatoes, half avocado, half cilantro, one purple onion, half chili pepper, half garlic, 1 clove yellow lemon, half sea salt and cracked black pepper. How to make a moderate amount of vegetable salad. Step 1: Don’t peel the tomatoes, scoop out the inner

  • Spicy Lemon Chicken Feet

    Spicy Lemon Chicken Feet

    500g chicken feet 6g star anise 3g tangerine peel 1g cinnamon 3g cooking wine 25g bay leaves 1g water appropriate amount of vinegar for soaking 130g light soy sauce 200g sesame oil 30g white sugar 80g chicken essence 8g lemon juice 10g 30 grams of garlic
