blueberry sauce recipes

  • Creative breakfast

    Creative breakfast

    1 egg, 100ml of sugar or salt, 43g of low-gluten flour, 7g of corn oil, 7g of blueberry sauce. Step 11 of the creative breakfast recipe. Beat the eggs, add 5g of sugar or salt, then add the milk and stir evenly. Then sift in the low-gluten flour and stir

  • Purple Rice Cheese Sandwich

    Purple Rice Cheese Sandwich

    100 grams of purple rice, 200 grams of coconut oil, 10 grams of sugar, 20 grams of salt, 0.5 grams of bread slices, 4 slices of eggs, 2 salad dressings, 10 grams of milk, 2 bottles of blueberry jam, oatmeal optional, optional gram, purple rice cheese sand
