monk fruit recipes

  • North and South Apricot Lean Meat Soup

    North and South Apricot Lean Meat Soup

    180 grams of lean meat, a few luo han guos each of southern apricots and northern apricots, a little salt, an appropriate amount of water, an appropriate amount of lean meat soup with northern and southern apricots. Step 1, lean meat soup with northern an

  • Watercress and Spare Ribs Soup

    Watercress and Spare Ribs Soup

    Spare ribs, watercress, monk fruit, southern almonds, northern almonds and ginger slices. How to make watercress and pork ribs soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Spare ribs, watercress, monk fruit, southern almonds, northern almonds, and ginger slices
