guava recipes

  • Taro Fruit Yogurt Bowl

    Taro Fruit Yogurt Bowl

    Appropriate amount of taro puree, appropriate amount of thick yogurt, appropriate amount of mango, half a cherry tomato, appropriate amount of guava, half instant cereal, appropriate amount of nuts, appropriate amount of taro puree, fruit yogurt bowl. Ste

  • Spring hydrating and healthy low-fat fruit salad

    Spring hydrating and healthy low-fat fruit salad

    Half a papaya, avocado, 1 guava, half a mangosteen, 3 apples, half a hawthorn, 4 small kumquats, 1 pineapple, 1/4 yogurt, 1 box of bitter chrysanthemum, 1 stem of salt, 2 tablespoons of spring hydration, healthy low-fat fruit salad, step 1 Prepare the ing
