delicious flavor recipes

  • Tofu skin cabbage

    Tofu skin cabbage

    3 pieces of fried tofu, very fresh flavor, 2 tablespoons of carrots, 1 dried egg, 1 package of snowflake pork slices, 3 slices of garlic sprouts, 1 oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of oil, appropriate amount of lettuce, 6 slices of tofu skin cabbage, step 1, p

  • Stuffed with fried tofu

    Stuffed with fried tofu

    200g of pork, 20 pieces of oiled tofu, a handful of glutinous rice, a small amount of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of Vestar, very fresh, an appropriate amount of ginger, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of starch, an appropriat
