minced onions recipes

  • Reproduction of Henan street snack fried jelly

    Reproduction of Henan street snack fried jelly

    1 bowl of minced meat, 20 grams of minced green onion, appropriate amount of minced garlic, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of water, half a bowl of fried jelly. Step 1: Cut the jelly into pieces and set aside. Step 2: Prep

  • Sichuan fish-flavored shredded pork

    Sichuan fish-flavored shredded pork

    1 piece of tenderloin, an appropriate amount of green pepper, half a winter bamboo shoot (since I didn’t have any, I used half an onion instead) 1 piece of black fungus (soaked) 5 or 6 onions, minced ginger and garlic, an appropriate amount of chopped pep
