instant oatmeal recipes

  • Peanut Cashew Oatmeal Dew

    Peanut Cashew Oatmeal Dew

    40g cashew nuts 50g instant oatmeal 30g mineral water 700ml rock sugar 10g peanut cashew oatmeal recipe Steps for making 150g peanuts and 40g cashew nuts in a baking pan, do not preheat the oven, middle layer, 140°, 10 minutes Step 2 Pour all ingredients

  • Sweet potato oatmeal paste

    Sweet potato oatmeal paste

    1 sweet potato, instant oatmeal, 15 grams of millet, 15 grams of rock sugar, appropriate amount of water, 700 ml of sweet potato oatmeal paste. Step 1: Peel and cut the sweet potato into cubes. Step 2: Add oats and millet. Step 3: Add rock sugar according

  • Reduced fat whole wheat bread

    Reduced fat whole wheat bread

    250 grams of whole wheat flour 250 grams of salt 2.5 grams of yeast 3 grams of milk 200 grams of instant oatmeal for surface decoration Appropriate amount of white sesame seeds Appropriate amount of reduced fat Whole wheat bread Recipe Step 1 Ingredients
