Kohlrabi recipes

  • Stir-fried pork with kohlrabi

    Stir-fried pork with kohlrabi

    500 grams of kohlrabi, appropriate amount of oil, chicken essence, 1 tablespoon of dry pepper, 1 lean pork shreds, 100 grams of starch, 1 tablespoon of salt, appropriate amount of kohlrabi. Step 1: Wash the pork shreds, mix well with salt and starch, and

  • Mixed kohlrabi

    Mixed kohlrabi

    How to mix a small piece of kohlrabi with kohlrabi. Step 1: Shred the kohlrabi and dry it. Step 2: The less water, the better. Step 3: Add more vinegar. White vinegar Step 4 Black vinegar Step 5 Just a drop of light soy sauce Step 6 White sugar Step 7 Whi
