Wide noodles recipes

  • wide pink

    wide pink

    1 bag of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of cucumber, 1/4 millet, 2 spicy noodles. Step 1: The sauce is rich and delicious. Step 2: The noodles are chewy, amazing! Step 3 Ingredients:
    Wide noodles, cucumber, spic

  • Hot and sour noodles

    Hot and sour noodles

    1. Many people don’t know much about wide noodles, and they are rare in the market. I usually buy sweet potato noodles and make hot and sour noodles. I only buy this wide flour when I see it in the supermarket. Compared with sweet potato flour, this wide
