salad dressing recipes

  • St. Paul Cheese Salad

    St. Paul Cheese Salad

    Vegetables and fruits, appropriate amount of St. Paul cheese, appropriate amount of salad dressing, appropriate amount of St. Paul cheese salad. Step 1: St. Paul cheese is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients. It is a high-quality choi

  • Homemade bread pizza

    Homemade bread pizza

    1. Make a piece of self-baked bread. If you don’t have it, you can buy any flavor you like from supermarkets and bakeries and slice it.

  • Seasonal fruit sushi

    Seasonal fruit sushi

    1. Shape the sushi rice into 20 rectangular rice balls. 2. Use seaweed strips 5cm wide and 15cm long to surround the edges and stick the joints with rice.
