pumpkin seeds recipes

  • Egg white walnut cake

    Egg white walnut cake

    6 egg whites, 60 grams of low-gluten flour, 40 grams of walnut oil, 40 grams of powdered sugar, 20 grams of salt, 1 gram of pumpkin seeds, a little egg white, walnut cake recipe: 140 grams of walnut oil + 2 grams of powdered sugar, mix well; step 2, add e

  • pumpkin cookies

    pumpkin cookies

    75g of butter, Beibei pumpkin puree, 75g of powdered sugar, 38g of low-gluten flour, 100g of cornstarch, 50g of milk powder, 18g of salt, 1g of pumpkin seeds, appropriate amount of pumpkin biscuits. Step 1: Soften the butter at room temperature in advance

  • Jade Nut Vegetarian Rice

    Jade Nut Vegetarian Rice

    1. Wash and drain sushi rice; wash and chop spinach and set aside. Put sushi rice, minced spinach, salt and water into the inner pot, put it into the electronic pot, press the switch, and cook until the switch jumps. Add pumpkin seeds and walnuts and mix
