mustard recipes

  • Mustard Stir-fried Spinach

    Mustard Stir-fried Spinach

    250g of spinach, 2 cloves of garlic, 1g of mustard, 1 tsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of vinegar, 1/2 tsp of cordyceps flowers (optional), 1 small handful of sesame oil, a little mustard and spinach. Step 1: Rinse the cordyceps flowers, put them into boilin

  • Fresh meat and pickled mustard mooncakes

    Fresh meat and pickled mustard mooncakes

    100 grams of all-purpose flour for water-oil skin, 30 grams of warm water, 45 grams of salt, appropriate amount of shortbread, all-purpose flour, 100 grams of lard, 50 grams of meat filling, 300 grams of mustard, 70 grams of whole chicken, one egg yolk, o

  • Pickled mustard and fresh meat mooncakes

    Pickled mustard and fresh meat mooncakes

    The following are the measurements for 24 50g fresh meat mooncakes: medium flour 220g lard 80g warm water 80g sugar 15g pastry: low flour 200g lard 100g filling: minced pork 300g mustard 120g sugar 15g medium flour 15g rice wine two spoons of minced green

  • Sashimi Okra

    Sashimi Okra

    1. Put water in the pot, add two drops of oil, boil and add okra to simmer for 1-2 minutes. 2. Pick up the okra and put it into ice water.
