fresh lilies recipes

  • Stir-fried lily with green bamboo shoots, pumpkin and pumpkin

    Stir-fried lily with green bamboo shoots, pumpkin and pumpkin

    Appropriate amount of cooking oil, half a teaspoon of salt, 100 grams of pumpkin, 50 grams of fresh lilies, 8 green bamboo shoots, 50 grams of asparagus, and stir-fried lilies with pumpkin. Step 1: Soak and clean the ingredients. Slice the pumpkin, break

  • Healthy and nutritious mung bean porridge

    Healthy and nutritious mung bean porridge

    50 grams of mung beans, 50 grams of corn rice, a little bit of fresh lily, a little bit of healthy and nutritious mung bean porridge. Step 1: Here is a picture of the finished product. Step 2: The mung beans I use are organic mung beans. Step 3: Ingredien

  • Sautéed Celery, Lily and Carrots

    Sautéed Celery, Lily and Carrots

    1. Ingredients. 2. If you want celery to taste good and taste more crispy and tender, you need to tear off the old tendons.
