kumquat recipes

  • apple water

    apple water

    6 kumquats, 1 snow pear, 1 red date, appropriate amount of yellow rock sugar, appropriate amount of water, a large amount of wolfberry, appropriate amount of apple water. Step 1: Rinse the fruits, apples and pears with water, peel them and set aside. Rins

  • 6 moisturizing hot drinks in winter

    6 moisturizing hot drinks in winter

    100g Diamond Single Crystal Rock Sugar 100g Kumquat 10 Sydney Pears 1 Luo Han Guo 10g Perilla Leaves 10g 6 Winter Moisturizing Hot Drinks Recipe Step 11. Soak the kumquats with salt and rub them clean, remove the stems and make a cross with a knife; wash

  • Kumquat preserves

    Kumquat preserves

    Kumquat 500g rock sugar. How to make kumquat preserves according to your own taste. Step 1: Prepare an appropriate amount of fresh kumquats and try to choose equal sizes.
    In this way, the candied fruit that will be made later will be about the same size.

  • Salted kumquats [pickling method]

    Salted kumquats [pickling method]

    1. Wash the surface dirt of kumquats. 2. Soak kumquats in 100 grams of salted water for 30 minutes.
