fresh abalone recipes

  • Fresh abalone and local chicken soup

    Fresh abalone and local chicken soup

    Half a native chicken, fresh abalone, 4 slices of ginger, five slices of green onion, a small section of wolfberry, a dozen shiitake mushrooms, two fresh abalone, native chicken soup. Step 1 Ingredients required: half a native chicken (my chicken is relat

  • Congee base hot pot

    Congee base hot pot

    [Porridge base] 150g high-quality new rice, 2-4L cooking oil, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon 5 scallops (optional) 2 slices of ginger (optional) [Side dishes] Crispy meat dumplings 250g clams 250g prawns 250g fresh abalone 250g 250g razor clams, 250g beef
