black rice flour recipes

  • hand pastry

    hand pastry

    1 red date, 1 gram of black rice flour, 25 grams of formula milk, 80 ml of all-purpose flour, 50 grams of hand pastry. Step 1: Pour the yeast into the formula milk and stir evenly.
    »When yeast is poured into warm formula milk, it will be more resurrected

  • black gold mooncake

    black gold mooncake

    [Cake crust] 120g inverted syrup 4g peanut oil or corn oil 45g all-purpose flour 100g black rice flour 100g [Filling] About 400g bean paste or lotus paste 12 salt egg yolks Recipe for 12 black gold mooncakes Step 1 Prepare the ingredients Step 2 Inverted
