small persimmons recipes

  • Italian Beef Meatball Pizza

    Italian Beef Meatball Pizza

    Pee beef balls 240g small persimmons 200g tomato paste 1 spoon half-warm milk 240ml all-purpose flour 500g egg 1 yeast powder 5g fresh basil leaves appropriate amount of pizza grass (or Italian spices) appropriate amount of Anjia mozzarella cheese shredde

  • Cabbage Salad

    Cabbage Salad

    Cabbage, 1 small persimmon, 1 small bowl of coriander, 1 small handful of green onions, 1 stalk of salt, 1 tsp of honey mustard salad dressing, appropriate amount of cabbage salad. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. I used a small cabbage heart, a small per
