Astragalus root recipes

  • Astragalus and red dates lean meat soup

    Astragalus and red dates lean meat soup

    150g lean meat, 20g astragalus, 10 red dates, 1 tablespoon of salt, half a spoonful of astragalus and red dates lean meat soup. Step 1. Prepare the ingredients. Step 2, sprinkle the corn starch and wrap the lean meat evenly. Step 3, handful of astragalus,

  • Two dishes and one soup

    Two dishes and one soup

    Astragalus Codonopsis Chicken Soup Ingredients: Three yellow chickens and half Astragalus 5g Codonopsis 5g red dates 10g wolfberry 5g cabbage Pork roll Ingredients Minced meat 100g cabbage 1 light soy sauce 1 tablespoon salt 1/2 salt spoon sugar 1 salt sp
