Bagel cheese slices recipes

  • Baked eggs with cheese, ham and noodles

    Baked eggs with cheese, ham and noodles

    Noodles 1-2 eggs 2-3 ham or bacon Appropriate amount of butter (salted butter is best) Appropriate amount of Baghdad cheese slices 2 slices of Baghdad mozzarella cheese Appropriate amount of salt Appropriate amount of sugar Appropriate amount of vegetable

  • #baijifudongzhilian#Little Prince Breakfast

    #baijifudongzhilian#Little Prince Breakfast

    Bread slices, 1 bag of Baghdad cheese slices, 1 pack of eggs, 3-4 eggs, a bottle of milk, a bottle of whipping cream, an appropriate amount of cucumber, a stick of oil, white sugar #Bagifou winter Zhilian # Little Prince’s breakfast recipe step 1. Cut the

  • Seaweed, meat floss and cheese heart rice balls

    Seaweed, meat floss and cheese heart rice balls

    About 300 grams of rice, 2 tablespoons of seaweed and furikake, 2 tablespoons of pork floss, 3 slices of Baigifu cheese, 3 slices of seaweed, pork floss, and sesame rice balls. Step 1: Take a photo of the ingredients. If you don’t have seaweed and furikak

  • Avocado Christmas Tree Toast

    Avocado Christmas Tree Toast

    Half an avocado on toast 1 slice of Baghdad cheese 1 slice of red pepper A few yellow peppers A few carrots A few raisins Some salad dressing 1 tablespoon lemon juice A few drops of decorative sugar beads (optional) Appropriate amount of avocado Christmas
