Bagel cheese slices recipes

  • Cheese Fruit Salad

    Cheese Fruit Salad

    Bagifole cheese slices, 1 bag of sugar orange, 1 strawberry, 1 banana, 1 avocado, 1 red pitaya, 1 kiwi, 1 yogurt, 1 small bucket of toothpicks. How to make cheese and fruit salad. Step 1: Peel and cut all fruits into pieces. Step 2 Use toothpicks to pierc

  • Tuna cheese rice ball

    Tuna cheese rice ball

    Hot rice, 250g Budgelford cheese slices, 6 slices of water-soaked tuna, a box of seaweed, 2 slices, tuna cheese rice balls. Step 1. Ingredients: hot rice, Budgelford cheese slices, water-soaked tuna, seaweed. Step 2: Cut the Budgel fat-reduced cheese into

  • Cheese cup rice balls

    Cheese cup rice balls

    Cold purple rice, 1 bowl of Bajford cheese slices, 5 slices, bibimbap ingredients, 20 grams of shredded seaweed, 10 grams of cheese cup rice balls. Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients. Step 2: Mix the bibimbap ingredients and cold purple rice; Step 3: Put

  • Cheese bento

    Cheese bento

    Borgif cheese slices, 4 slices of egg, 1 rice, appropriate amount of carrot slices, 3 slices of ham sausage, a small piece of seaweed, appropriate amount of tomato sauce, a little cheese. Bento recipe steps 1. Beat the eggs and spread them into egg skins
