carrot slices recipes

  • Noodle pancakes

    Noodle pancakes

    Fruit and vegetable noodles 35g shrimps 50g lemon 1 slice egg 1 carrot slice 15g broccoli 15g Noodle pancake recipe Step 1: Cut the shrimp into small pieces, squeeze in lemon juice, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes to remove the smell. Step 2: Then pr

  • Chowder


    Pork belly 100g lean meat 50g pork rinds 40g dried cuttlefish 20g fish balls six quail eggs 10 Kaiyang 10g meatballs six dried shiitake mushrooms three dried porcini mushrooms (optional) 20g dried pearl mushrooms 20g dried day lily 10g dried fungus 10 A f

  • Cheese bento

    Cheese bento

    Borgif cheese slices, 4 slices of egg, 1 rice, appropriate amount of carrot slices, 3 slices of ham sausage, a small piece of seaweed, appropriate amount of tomato sauce, a little cheese. Bento recipe steps 1. Beat the eggs and spread them into egg skins
